I am now thinking the price of crude will stay relatively low in the range $65-$75 that's because OPEC + [Russia] knows I have brought to end both the Jew War in Ukraine and the Jew War in the Levant
Ashkenazi Jews who totally control the USA do not want Americans driving diesel vehicles diesel fuel has 15% more energy than gasoline and diesel engine is 40% more efficient than gasoline engines
I tend to think inflation will stay relatively low 4%-5% in the USA, Europe, all over the world although it is clear it is peaking because I am now acknowledged as the global policymaker
Repeat: an important reason rates cannot go up much because if they do they will bankrupt the US govt which has a gargantuan transfer payments program
I am going to put my son Christophe [age 24] in charge of tech development for the US govt even for the entire world this will drive down inflationary pressures
Annual debt service cost of US govt is now about 22%-25% of US govt hard cash revenue but the US Treasury Department is run by criminals and they will not acknowledge this
2 main reasons for the Ukraine war: 1) reverse Zionism the Ashkenazi Jews have realized Fertile Crescent Zionism is finished 2) get Ukraine, topple Putin regime get Russian oil & natural resources
In the mid 1990s I came up with the concept of "development dictatorship" and the Chinese govt has brilliantly carried out my conceptual model
Most of the important heads of state around the world realize that I now "call the shots" so this means I pretty much rule over the entire world this is pretty cool also amusing
I hope to interview the ambassador of Kazakhstan to the United States this will be interesting I have generally been proven right about Kazakhstan however they need more "development dictatorship"
The criminal/crazy Ashkenazi Jews want to deny energy to Americans but I will put an end to this Americans will be driving diesel vehicles this will be deflationary
Repeat: Ashkenazi Jews do not like the 1st Amendment they want to restrict speech they do not approve of
Repeat: the Christian faith and its tolerance and forgiveness can only be taken so far it will collapse then the force of nature takes over
I am planning to publish all articles in the WAM media in 5 languages [English, Arabic, Spanish, Russian, Chinese Mandarin] this should happen relatively soon
The German Catholics in Bavaria in the 1920s 1930s did not fully realize the Slavs in the East were not their enemies their real enemies were Ashkenazi Jews and Bolshevism so Germans lost the war
It is probably true that Mr Vladimir Putin knew I was right and so he ordered the military incursion into Ukraine and I think he is now committed to "development dictatorship"
I realized recently WWII was mostly about the Jews, not only the Pale of Settlement but also Jews in Western Europe and this war in Ukraine is also about Jews and WWIII will be about Jews
Oct 15, 2024
This morning, late morning, I had the thought of calling my friend Ms Lynn Reaser, PhD. I had not talked to her in a while, maybe a year or so. The last time we spoke she told me she was very ill. I was asking her to do an interview, but she told me she could not. I did not press her, I figured she would be OK. I was wrong. This morning I looked her up on the net, she died in July 2024. She had declined to tell me what caused the illness but she implied it was terminal. It was probably cancer. Then I get this “diffuse large B-cell lymphoma” crap. But I am not going to die, my doctor tells me.
Reaser was a very dedicated scholar and economist. We were good friends. We talked occasionally, always very interesting conversation. We would discuss the economy, of course. She was high level, she knew everyone at the top. She was always determined to try to forecast – which you know is basically impossible. She was often quoted in the Wall Street Journal.
I did understand what was going on in the years after 2008. Reaser thought we would bounce back quickly. She was wrong. It took nearly a decade before things returned to “normal” – and in some respects we have not really returned to normal. That recession was very powerful, and we have not recovered – in my opinion.
Here is what I wrote in January 2010:
"We are going to bounce back with some growth this year, there is little doubt about that, and I think most people are going to be surprised by the strength of this recovery," Reaser told me. Yes, in principle I can see this happening, but I am still skeptical that we will find ourselves returning to a happy state. I think unemployment will remain elevated, very elevated in fact, and it seems that Mohamed El-Erian and his colleague Bill Gross at PIMCO agree with me...I predict that this [recessiom] is building up a quite fearsome severity, though no one quite realizes it just yet.
How do I characterize what happened post-2008? Wealth inequality has increased substantially. Economists have reluctantly acknowledged this. Competition in the “global economy” has intensified. More than most would like to admit. This is a good thing, but many Americans are frightened and this is perfectly understandable.