capital is destructive insofar as new knowledge, new ideas, new technology obliterate the ways of the past

I am now thinking the price of crude will stay relatively low in the range $65-$75 that's because OPEC + [Russia] knows I have brought to end both the Jew War in Ukraine and the Jew War in the Levant

Ashkenazi Jews who totally control the USA do not want Americans driving diesel vehicles diesel fuel has 15% more energy than gasoline and diesel engine is 40% more efficient than gasoline engines

I tend to think inflation will stay relatively low 4%-5% in the USA, Europe, all over the world although it is clear it is peaking because I am now acknowledged as the global policymaker

Repeat: an important reason rates cannot go up much because if they do they will bankrupt the US govt which has a gargantuan transfer payments program

I am going to put my son Christophe [age 24] in charge of tech development for the US govt even for the entire world this will drive down inflationary pressures

Annual debt service cost of US govt is now about 22%-25% of US govt hard cash revenue but the US Treasury Department is run by criminals and they will not acknowledge this

2 main reasons for the Ukraine war: 1) reverse Zionism the Ashkenazi Jews have realized Fertile Crescent Zionism is finished 2) get Ukraine, topple Putin regime get Russian oil & natural resources

In the mid 1990s I came up with the concept of "development dictatorship" and the Chinese govt has brilliantly carried out my conceptual model

Most of the important heads of state around the world realize that I now "call the shots" so this means I pretty much rule over the entire world this is pretty cool also amusing

I hope to interview the ambassador of Kazakhstan to the United States this will be interesting I have generally been proven right about Kazakhstan however they need more "development dictatorship"

The criminal/crazy Ashkenazi Jews want to deny energy to Americans but I will put an end to this Americans will be driving diesel vehicles this will be deflationary

Repeat: Ashkenazi Jews do not like the 1st Amendment they want to restrict speech they do not approve of

Repeat: the Christian faith and its tolerance and forgiveness can only be taken so far it will collapse then the force of nature takes over

I am planning to publish all articles in the WAM media in 5 languages [English, Arabic, Spanish, Russian, Chinese Mandarin] this should happen relatively soon

The German Catholics in Bavaria in the 1920s 1930s did not fully realize the Slavs in the East were not their enemies their real enemies were Ashkenazi Jews and Bolshevism so Germans lost the war

It is probably true that Mr Vladimir Putin knew I was right and so he ordered the military incursion into Ukraine and I think he is now committed to "development dictatorship"

I realized recently WWII was mostly about the Jews, not only the Pale of Settlement but also Jews in Western Europe and this war in Ukraine is also about Jews and WWIII will be about Jews

The Collapse of the Banking and Media Giants [November 2005]

Apr 12, 2022

"I found your analysis of the publishing industry"s future quite depressingly accurate"

Ms Judith Miller, journalist, The New York Times, personal communication with World Affairs Monthly November 3, 2005


It is a simple thesis, and it is stunning for its simplicity and elegance. Ideas rule the world, and ideas will soon rule the universe. We can look forward to rapid progress, we can hope for a brighter future, and we have nothing to fear: in the coming years the bankers and publishers will join up, and become inseparable, they will become in effect one, and interlocked in a brilliant and powerful union. They will become highly dependent on each other, and indeed they will not be able to work or live apart.

The result of this union: knowledge and capital will find each other, and work wonders. Miraculous events will take place, and we will be shocked, and of course delighted. The world of ideas will have found its natural partner -- the world of capital (and capitalism). Humanity will then take off and we will never understand why we were held back for so long.

What does this mean for the current powerful players in banking and the media? They will erode quickly, and then collapse. What is responsible for this extraordinary upheaval? The microprocessor is of course responsible. But this computing power will work in close cooperation with the even more powerful human brain. World Affairs Monthly recently called up the Intel Corporation in Santa Clara, California and found these leaders of the semiconductor industry eager to speak about the processor and its future -- and humanity's future. The Intel spokesman, Chuck Malloy, exchanged the Intel vision with the vision of the editor of World Affairs Monthly, and the result is a rather exciting discussion. [**Click here** or on the audio icon above to listen to the editor of World Affairs Monthly interview Chuck Malloy.] Remarkable and extraordinary events will soon get under way. We may not believe our eyes. We will be incredulous. We will know we are in a new era -- the most awesome era in recorded history.

Capital is precious, so it will always be sold for a price; the same is true for ideas and knowledge, they are precious, and will be as well auctioned for a price. Let us hope the price is always affordable, and reasonable. In the coming era, however, we can see that the auction for capital and ideas will be quite excited and even frenetic. Everyone will be scrambling to get the best ideas (theory + technology) and the most capital -- in order to "make things happen."

What will be most astonishing about this new era is its efficient allocation of capital. We will not see capital squandered on bad ideas and theories (faulty technology). We will see less and less misallocation of capital. What we will see instead will be nothing short of stunning: capital will find its way to the best ideas very quickly. In history capital has always been misallocated. How much has been misallocated? We cannot easily say, but let's assume it has been a substantial figure. Indeed, this is the banker's peril. The banker is simply terrified of sending capital to the foolish idea, to the failures. In the new era these unfortunate misjudgments will be small in number, and we may even see them disappear in some respects.

So we will feel blessed. How much has this historical misallocation of capital been a brake on our progress? World Affairs Monthly would estimate that it has been a considerable brake, indeed a powerful brake. Research is needed to answer this question, and it is a truly fascinating one. What will happen when this brake is removed, or largely removed? Progress will be rapid -- stunningly rapid. Shocking things will happen. We will become truly efficient. We will therefore become powerful beyond belief.

What is the actual mechanism by which this will all happen? The entrepreneurs of the world will undertake their work, and strive for their dreams -- and begin realizing their ambitions. They will codify their knowledge and ideas, organize their thoughts, and begin communicating to others in the world, and all of this will be accomplished with breathtaking efficiency. The genetic code of one organism (human being) will meet another with similar interests, and they will catalyze further thought. This will be cross-fertilization. This will be revolutionary. This will break down stratification, and all structures and institutions (particularly large institutions). It will all be taking place on the genetic level, with culture playing a limited role (in the opinion of World Affairs Monthly). Creativity will become the prime commodity, the most valuable commodity in the world. Integration and interpretation will throw our brains into new interactions, and we will never be the same.

The microprocessor will be largely responsible for this, and the creation of The Intel Corporation was a truly historic event in the history of the world. The technologies (to be developed and commercialized by the editor of World Affairs Monthly) will unleash awesome power on the world, and smash up all stratification and artificial structure, and release the human being from bondage. We must assume, as it has been stated above, that this will all be happening on the level of the genes, and on the code which organizes and directs life. Let us consult the brilliant British botanist, biologist, and geneticist Cyril Dean Darlington (1903-1981) and analyze the fascinating diagram [see the diagram below] he drew up in 1958. He shows us the logic of this historical interaction, and the resultant modern stratification. We can be certain that this highly complex stratification will be thoroughly and quickly destroyed in the new era. We are entering the most revolutionary time in human history, and we may not wish to know where this will take us -- it may be that shocking and frightening and unexpected. World Affairs Monthly offers many thanks to Chuck Malloy and The Intel Corporation for the enjoyable on the record discussion.

**The original article was published in 2005 together with the audio recording of Mr Chuck Malloy [then spokesman of Intel Corporation] being interviewed by World Affairs Monthly. This interview may in the future be republished at